September 7 – October 16, 2011

numberthirtyfive is pleased to present the work of Berlin-based artist, Hannes Kater. (b. Berlin, 1965) Many artists have imagined the sketch entering reality: cartoons walk along side actors, CGI effects pepper our movies and television, small worlds are created with animatronic characters and landscapes. But few conceive of the actual word and meaning lifting from the page or the intangible world wide web as Kater does.

Using utilitarian tools, Hannes Kater will create an ambitious installation to encompass the gallery’s main exhibition space. The seemingly cold graphic lines morph and flood the space revealing the ephemeral and personal. Cut foam board, sprawling lines of marker and blocks of color are used to connect ideas and stories. The narrative plays out in Kater's own pictorial shorthand known as “performers.” These images in red, white and blue lift from the walls on stilts of bamboo skewers and toothpicks; figures, arrows, structures all link together in an almost counterintuitive organic yet mathematical network. Mimicking, or perhaps rather in satire of instructional diagrams, a web of graphics and visual vocabulary leads a narrative throughout the space. In its mystery, Kater's symbols become a modern hieroglyphic. A story exists within the mass of image and color, but is so deeply woven through a swarm of language, personal ideology and universal imagery, that it is at once mysterious and accessible.

Hannes Kater will use the gallery as his studio to create a site specific installation. Starting Friday, September 2, Kater will publish daily sketches, slowly revealing moments of mystery that converge into the web of stories, actions, and image.